Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Effects of College Stress Essay

Stress comes from variety of sources and does not seem to impact everyone in the same way. What is stressful to one person may not cause stress for another. In small doses, stress helps you to stay focused, energetic, and alert. But when stress becomes overwhelming, it can damage your health, your mood, your productivity, your relationships, and your quality of life. One of the effects of stress would be emotion; a person can suffer from loss of confidence while in unfamiliar territory, around new people, they encounter new challenges, it’s easy to lose confidence when you’re somewhere new. Fear of failure can be caused by the fact that most of the younger students will be years ahead of you with academic knowledge. They’ll make you wish you had paid attention in high school, English class. Feeling overwhelmed is another effect, students who haven’t learned how to learn are too embarrassed to ask for help. They assume wrongly, either that they’re the only ones holding on to this deficiency or that they ought to be smart enough to overcome it on their own. Lack of concentration is a direct effect of lack of energy in a person. Second, persons can also have the effect of behavioral issues which will consist of moodiness or mood swings, sometimes school work or getting to class gets to be too much and we can break down. Acting impulsively is another effect in a high drive to numb the pain of low self-esteem. A person will also experience sleeping too much or too little as a result, Sleep deprivation can also impair moral judgment and having too little sleep over a long period of time can take a huge toll on your health and also make a person more likely to be accident prone. Third, a Physical effect; a person is subject to suffer from headaches or migraines, as well as shortness of breath and hyperventilation which is the effect of panic and give the feeling of a heart attack, increased sweating, cold hands or feet are often an effect cause by mental and emotional stress, anxiety, or panic. In conclusion, long term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems. Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in the body. The more your body stress system is captivated the harder it is to shut off.

Administrative Law and Regulatory Processes

The federal state constitution has set up various independent regulatory commissions which are established to regulate and decide on important areas of the nation's economy.According to Horn (2003), the regulatory commissions are also referred to as the quasi-legislative groups, and they operate independently with no presidential control.   Members of the regulatory commissions are appointed to their various offices by the president, and are given the approval by the senate either for staggered periods or for long terms.   The president cannot remove a head of an independent commission at will.Members who are appointed to work in the various independent commissions must have had appropriated experience working in the same industry.   The commissions should also have members from both parties and no member can be stopped from serving in the regulatory commission due to political factors.When a regulatory commission concentrates on the protection of the interests of a specific in dustry, such a commission is said to be' captured' because it protects and represents only the interest of the industry, as opposed to the protection of the public interest.   The objective of any independent and regulatory commission should be to protect and represent the interest of the public.Quasi-legislative and Quasi- judicial FunctionsThe regulatory commissions that are established as independent have both the quasi-judicial and the quasi-legislative functions, which they carry out in the discharge of their responsibilities.   Mayne & Martin (2004) observed that, the quasi-legislative functions are exercised where the commission is required to take part in the rule making, and in the carrying out of their regulatory functions.   In the carrying out of this duty, there should be the force of law whereby, when a decision is made by the commission, it becomes legally binding and anyone who does not a bid by the rule is subject to a judicial sanction.According to Mayne & Ma rtin (2004), the powers of the quasi judicial functions have been exercised in situations where disputes need to be settled in various incidents where the congress may have been involved in the giving of policing authority such as, in the business field, where the commission may have been making decisions which may be viewed as suitable for the development of commerce.For instance, there is a commission on Interstate Commerce which deals with matters of economy in the state.The regulatory commissions have the three major powers which include the legislative, judicial and the executive powers.   Unlike other arms of government that are subject to the rule which demands for power separation, this rule does not apply to the regulatory commissions.There has been so much controversy concerning the powers given to the independent regulatory commissions, and these powers have been reduced every now and then especially during the leadership of president Bush and Reagan.Horn (2003) observe d that, there has been a tremendous effort by the congress to protect the regulatory agencies from any political influence.   The congress does this by demanding that, every agency should be led by commissioners who are active in the two major political movements.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Fad Diets

NO FAD DIETS Americans are obsessed with dieting. They willingly try the latest diet appearing in popular magazines, discussed on talk shows, and displayed on the shelves of a local bookstore. The basic premises to a healthy life seem simple, and Americans are even given specific guidelines- outlined in the food pyramid- as to how much of each food group to eat. If this is so, why then, is obesity one of the leading health risks confronting Americans? It may be because the simple and healthy road to weight loss is actually a long-term process.Therefore, it is tempting for Americans to substitute diets and exercise regimens with what are known as â€Å"fad diets†Ã¢â‚¬â€diets that promise quick and easy results. Long term weight loss does not come from extreme diets and quick fix decisions; losing weight and keeping it off comes from choosing a healthy lifestyle and making it a habit. Despite research, fad diets have achieved popularity proving their dangers and inefficiency. J ust as a car needs the proper gasoline, the human body needs a healthy diet; a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat to properly develop.Although fad diets may share very different â€Å"truths†, most have many common characteristics: most claim to provide insight and new results, but they are simply replicas of older fad diets (Hobbs 2007, 42). They also claim that specific foods or group of foods are the â€Å"enemy† and should be banned from the diet. This is a myth—there is not a single food which is capable of causing weight gain or loss (Hobbs 2007, 42). Another characteristic of a fad diet is that they usually promise fast results.These diets are usually not supported by scientific evidence, and the information they provide are usually derived from a single study or analysis (Hobbs 2007, 42). An example of a popular fad diet is called â€Å"The Zone. † This plan was created by Barry Sears, PhD in 1995 (Greene 2003, 23). Sear’s principle argument is that human beings are programmed to function best on only two food groups: lean proteins and natural carbohydrates (Greene 2003, 24). Consumption of carbohydrates, according to Sears, produces insulin—a process that converts carbohydrates into fat (Greene 2003, 22).Critics of this diet argue that Sear’s theory regarding insulin production is an â€Å"unproven gimmick† (Greene 2003, 22). Individuals who go on fad diets are putting their body at risk for disease and illness. A second well-known fad diet is called â€Å"Sugar Busters. † This plan was created by H. Leighton Steward (Greene 2003, 13). Labeling sugar as the enemy because it releases insulin and then stores it as body fat, â€Å"Sugar Busters† demands that both refined and processed sugars be taken out of one’s diet (Greene 2003, 13).This includes potatoes, white rice, corn, and carrots. Sugar is not naturally toxic and it is dangerous to eliminate along with complex c arbohydrates, which provide a good source of fiber (Greene 2003, 14). This plan, just like many other fad diets, calls for the elimination of a specific food. It is ignoring the fact that the human body needs many types of foods to stay healthy (Greene 2007, 17). These fad diets promote high- fat foods which, in turn, can increase the risk for heart disease, cancer, high cholesterol, and liver and kidney damage.A 2007 Stanford University study took 311 women who averaged 40 years old and 189 pounds, and put them on 1 out of 4 diets—the low carbohydrate Atkins and Zone diets, or the low-fat Ornish and LEARN diets. After six months, the Atkins dieters had lost 13 pounds; the others 6 to 8 pounds. All the dieters, however, started to regain what they had lost (American Heart Association 2005, 12). In the past year, the Atkins dieters regained 3 pounds, and the others had gained back 3 to 8 pounds (American Heart Association 2005, 11).None of these dieters could stick to the diet ing plan for a long-term period. Fad diets are extreme plans that lack valid evidence and research. High-fat diets may promote short-term weight loss, but most of the loss is caused by dehydration (Hobbs 2007, 14). As the kidneys try to destroy fats and proteins, water is lost (Hobbs 2007, 14). High-fat diets are low in calories causing depletion of body mass instead of fat loss (Hobbs 2007, 16). Fad diets argue that the human body responds to carbohydrates in a way that causes weight gain.If Americans are gaining weight, it is because of the quantities they consume. Weight gain is due to the excessive calories, not the carbohydrates that invite obesity (Greene 2003, 22). If fad diets work, it is due to the decreasing of calories being consumed [The Zone’s diet calls for less than one thousand calories a day] (Greene 2007, 33). Fad diets are very difficult to keep up with since they ban certain products and require repeated eating of certain foods. These fad diets are low in calcium, fiber, and other important vitamins (Hobbs 2003, 32).This provides many dangers such as heart disease, hardening of arteries, and high cholesterol. Many fad diets contribute to the â€Å"yo-yo dieting. † Yo-yo dieting is the successive loss and gain of weight due to excessive dieting. This makes weight loss slow when it is looked at from a healthy perspective (American Heart Association 2005, 39). Because of the obvious health dangers and the failure to provide long-term weight loss, this should encourage people to stop using fad diets but that is not the case.Fad diets continue to remain the substitute for healthy diet plans and exercise. Each year, Americans spend more than thirty billion dollars fighting fat—often on gimmicks that do not work (American Heart Association 2005, 9). What is so appealing to Americans about fad diets? Instead of pursuing the long and enduring road of healthy diets and habits, most embrace the â€Å"easy fix† – the fad diet. When one hears of a person losing a significant amount of weight, one often does not even question the health risks, and they embrace this quick way of losing weight for themselves.Devoting to a lifestyle that includes exercise and eating a proper diet with moderate portions is still the best method to lose weight and keep it off (Greene 2007, 21). Those who make the change from a typical high-fat fad diet to one that follows a diet based on the food pyramid will slowly and safely lose weight (Greene 2007, 22). It is important to note that it is possible for fad diets to prove effective for certain individuals. Each body is different, reacting to certain diets in different ways (Hobbs 2003, 56). Fad diets may work on bodies that are used to such extreme constraints.Diversity, however, is the most basic principle for the human body (Hobbs 2003, 59). The fact that fad diets disregard this most fundamental truth renders them unhealthy and ineffective. The diet industry is giv ing the world what they want—a diet plan that can be followed while keeping the same of living (Greene 2007, 40). If a person want to lose weight, it is best to stay away from fad diets. A magic pill or diet will not take weight off. A person trying to lose weight should talk to their physician about a healthy weight loss plan that is right for their individual needs.Also, Exercise goes hand-in-hand with weight loss. Simply walking 2 to 3 times each week will boost your metabolism. Studies show that ninety-five percent of people who lose weight gain it back within five years (Greene 2007, 32). It is not surprising that nearly twenty-five percent of Americans are confused when it comes to dieting (Greene 2007, 32). Reducing calories, no matter how approached, will result in weight loss, but when cutting calories, it is also important to choose foods that nourish the body (Greene 2007, 35).In conclusion, fad diets do not result in long-term weight loss, are nutritionally inadeq uate, and should simply be avoided. The key diet for weight loss is one that reduces overall caloric intake and promotes physical activity. Psalm 139:14 says, â€Å"For I am fearfully and wonderfully made. † We need to live a lifestyle that reflects this principle; fad diets are not a reflection of this. God designed us exactly how He wanted to, and that should bring comfort to each and every person in this world.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Critical evaluation on the standard model of professional legal ethics Essay

Critical evaluation on the standard model of professional legal ethics (neutral -partisanship ) - Essay Example According to this theory, the lawyers need to keep high standards of morality in their profession and this at times goes against the interest of their clients. According to Atkinson (1993)â€Å"The concept of lawyering are two correlated principles, partisanship and neutrality. The first of these, partisanship, is the more obvious:' the lawyer is to use all legal means, and the maximum of personal energy and zeal, to advance any client end, subject only to the constraint of the outer limits of the letter of the law. The second, less obvious, principle is neutrality toward the morality of clients' purposes†. Lawyers are the law protecting agents of the society; hence they have the superior obligation to work for the fulfillment of the justice and preservation of the law. The model of professional legal ethics aspire the legal professionals in setting a foundation which is strong in terms of moral and ethics. However, the lawyers have the obligation to heed to his conscience whe n considering a legal fight. A lawyer should not only focus on the freedom of his clients but consider whether the client is ethically right or wrong. Finally, the legal professional ethics aims at serving the interest of the clients but this should not be achieved by going against the moral and ethical standards of the law. Analysis of few cases in relation to professional ethical standards In this section certain cases are being assessed in terms of the professional ethical standards. This is done to consider the implication of ethics and morals by the legal profession in defending their clients. These case studies focus on the problems and dilemmas faced by the lawyers when acting in favor of their clients .A lawyer is a professional with high moral obligation towards his clients as well as the society. Even thought the neutral partisanship allows a lawyer in acting in favor of his clients, it also ask him to act according to the law - abiding rules and principles. He should not reject the moral and ethical values and only look in to the protection of his client. In order to find the complication faced by lawyers, we can study few cases which demand the ethical and moral obligation from the lawyers. Surat & Scheingold(1998) claims that â€Å"The role of lawyers and the scope for legal activity is, for example, considerably broader in the American than in the British common law system. Similarly, in times of crisis, liberal regimes may undertake repressive measures that undermine the rule of law and drive cause lawyers into defensive postures†. Case 1 : Acting for the Pride of Britain Organisation Harold Truman a multi – billionaire is the man who represent the Pride of Britain Organization, which is a political party with specific interest to support British nationals. This political party, PBO which is funded by Truman has taken anti – immigrant stands to protect the job opportunity of British nationals by hindering the prosperity of m igrants. The Truman has contacted the Monkmans solicitors for working on behalf of PBO and initializing the anti – immigrant policies. However, the Monksmans solicitors being a representative for refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants presented strong objections to the interests of Truman and PBO. Trumen being the client of Monksman solicitors, has the right to get sufficient favors from the latter .However, considering their professional ethics and morals principles, the Monksmans Solicitors decided to abide by their mission of protecting the rights and privileges of local immigrants and refugees . They denied working against their true professional motives, to not to jeopardize their reputation as a protector of immigrants .The case conveys the message that being a lawyer is not only about serving the client

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Buddhism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Buddhism - Research Paper Example Buddha taught people that awakening and enlightenment comes through self realization and it has nothing to do with one’s beliefs and ideals. After Buddha’s death, his followers spread his teachings to distant places and Buddhism appeared as a new religion in Asia; today it is the fourth largest religion of the world (Fisher ). Siddhartha Gautama was born to King Suddhodana of Shakya near Nepal in 583 B.C. His mother died soon after giving birth to Siddhartha. It was predicted by one of the holy men of Suddhodana’s court that Siddhartha will be a great conqueror or a great spiritual leader in future; his father was delighted to hear this because he wanted his son to be a great conqueror. Siddhartha spent his early life in his palaces in great luxuries; he was being trained to become a great prince and conqueror, therefore, his father kept him away from the realities of life and the disturbing thoughts of any religion. Siddhartha Gautama went out of his palace for the first time at the age of 29. He was amazed to see the life of people living outside the palace as he observed an aged man, a sick man and a corpse during his journey. The bitter realities of life greatly aggrieved him and the prince started to think about the truth behind this life. Siddhartha started to take journeys out of his palace; during one of such experiences he saw an ascetic. He was told that ascetics are people who leave the worldly life in search of the divine truth. Impressed by the life of ascetics, Gautama decided that he would start searching for the realities of life on his own (Armstrong). Gautama along with his five disciples started off their journey in pursuit of truth of life by visiting the renowned religious scholars of that time (Serinity). After months of learning of almost every known religion of the time in that area of the world, Gautama was not satisfied as a lot of questions remained unanswered in his mind. Therefore, he and his five disciples deci ded that they will search for enlightenment themselves through physical suffering and meditation. A series of physical sufferings which included extreme fasting, holding of breath and enduring great pain taught Gautama about the suffering and pain in the life of human beings. Gautama has already experienced a life of great pleasures at his palace; therefore, at this stage he had personally experienced both extremes of life. However, he wanted to find out a middle way, a life to end the sufferings of people. During one of his rounds of meditation, Gautama recalled his childhood experience when his mind achieved a state of deep peace and satisfaction. This made him realize that the reality of life can be found out by achieving peace of mind. At this point he decided to end fasting because he felt the need of energy in his quest for reality of life. But when Gautama ended his fast, his companions thought he has ended the quest to find the truth of life and abandoned him. After this, he continued his pursuit of enlightenment through long meditations and soon achieved the peace of mind he wanted and, thus, he believed himself to be enlightened because he found out the reality of life (Serinity). During the immediate period which followed his enlightenment, Gautama did not want to teach whatever he had learned about life because he thought that the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Leadership Skills Required For A Large Multi-Department Organisation Essay - 4

Leadership Skills Required For A Large Multi-Department Organisation - Essay Example To analyze the leadership response to trends and tensions, the paper looks at transformational and transactional leadership, and the leadership qualities needed to overcome changes trends and tensions. The skills to be analyzed will emphasize on building effective LMX, and becoming a transformational leader. The conclusion provides a logical summary of the contemporary leadership skills required for a transformational leader in a large multi-department organization. According to Halinen and Tornroos, the current business world has changed significantly compared to a decade or so ago. Furthermore, the aspect of new economy and globalization introduces continuous change, and this might indicate that organizations need to regularly monitor their strategies to incorporate change. Heller highlights that the new economy requires restructuring and reorganization of a former economy of primary extraction of resource and transformation of the industry. Leading within the environmental context characterized by globalization and a new economy, Brooks, reveals that leaders are expected to be swift in identifying resulting global and local tensions to avoid accepting a traditional isolationist status quo expecting success. Additionally, leaders must learn to balance their responsibilities within a global society with national and global interests. In this case, multi-department leaders are expected to simultaneously make long-term investments while continuously achieving short-term results. According to Phelps & Wood, global interests come with the integration of global economy which involves orchestration of business processes from above by an emergent transnational class which neglects autonomous involvements by sub-national opinionated coalitions reconciling between local and global welfare.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The role of the female characters. How do they represent the feminist Essay

The role of the female characters. How do they represent the feminist issues that may have been occurring around the time work was written. please include Everyday Use, by Alice Walker - Essay Example It is the commitment by women to achieving equality in the society. There are various type of feminism namely; motherhood, medicine, legal rights, child abuse, working women, and conservative feminism (Walters 21). In this essay therefore I will look at the role of the female charactors and how they represent the feminist issues that may have been occurring around the time work was written. Women characters of the time Walker wrote this piece of work are portrayed to be had working and enthusiastic. After the demise of Mama`s husband and left her to take care of the family on her own, we find her perform different tasks like, during the day she puts on overall to signify the extent at which she works. She is described to be ‘big boned woman with rough, man working hands’. She performs various tasks such as killing and cleaning a hog, breaking ice to get water, milking animals among other duties. This brings the feminist issue of motherhood and of gender equality as the women of this time also played the roles that were perceived to be for the men (Hoffman 31) Women are portrayed as people who are had working and are of high ideals. This is seen in the character traits of Mama who does every thing possible to bring up her two little children despite being the only sole bread winner. She is also seen as a woman of high integrity and stature in the society. She wake up in the morning and puts on her overall ready to start her daily chores. These bring out the them of feminism and how constructive a woman can be in the society. It also implies that women just like men deserve equal rights and treatment. Walker also bring two contrasting lives lived by the two daughters of Mama. Dee is said to live a good lifestyle of the American culture which she acquired following her disappearance after the fire tragedy that burnt their house. On the other hand, Maggie’s life is portrayed to be miserable and is full of tribulations, at first

Thursday, July 25, 2019

National Changes In Tuition Fees And Funding 2006 Essay

National Changes In Tuition Fees And Funding 2006 - Essay Example As has been scientifically proven, a slight change or shift in an equilibrium situation is bound to set off a reaction process that moves to contain the change could mean different things to different people going by the Betty and Adams illustration painted above. The obvious fact in education today is that there has being a regime change in tuition fees for new students and this sector and implications underlined. There are currently two tuitions fees types. The first indicates that new students are expected to pay 3,000 up from 1,200 that its initially was. This initial amount is however sustained for old students who are returning to campus. The expectation attached to this increase is that having been calculated and pegged till 2009 it will not be rising above this figure. Fees for sandwich and home foundation years are incidentally not part of this 3,000. One unique observation is however the fact that payment of these fees can be deferred until after graduation. The second tuition type is one in which a tuition fee loan is available, accessible without a no means test. This kind of loan is available to home students and EU nationals and it is paid directly to the university, it also has no age limit for applicants. 75% of students' loans for living costs are available without means test whole 25% is dependent on a means test. The sum of 6,170 is pegged as the maximum loan rates for those in London living a way from home while for those living in parental homes in London if is 3,415. The payment schedule for this loan is on an installment basis paid either in September or January and April. It has an age limit of 60years. Fees and living cost are repayable starting from the April after graduation provided that gross earnings stand at minimum of 15,000 per annum. So it is really dependent on how much the student earns after graduation. 9% of earning over 15,000 are paid through the tax system with an interest not above the approximate rate of inflation. This loan however will be written off after 25years if it remains unpaid. Grant such as the LA grants for living cost exists with a new 2,700 non-payable but means tested grant available to students. Income of 17,500 or less attract the maximum grant partial grants are awarded to families with income of between 17,500-37,425.Families with income above the upper limit of 31,425 are given no grant. Maintenance loans will be reduced by up 1,200 for some students who are receiving full grant or living at home e.t.c. where however the students qualify for social security benefits they shall have the maximum grant without and reduction from their maintenance loan. A minimum of 300 should be offer to students benefiting from the maximum 2,700 grant by institution of higher education charging the maximum 3,000 tuition fees. This is towards helping the students in course-related cost and are not expected to pay back. This compulsory payment to student is done by SLC in January. Additional bursaries are awarded as deemed fits by the institution. Also obtainable in the new tuition and

Marine Finance and Insurance - Coursework 2 Essay

Marine Finance and Insurance - Coursework 2 - Essay Example Similarly, they also have come to cater to companies from other countries in the course of their business. Through it all, marine industry players have become subject to foreign exchange risks. They have engaged in deals that would involve gains or losses resulting from the fluctuations in the exchange rates of foreign currencies used. Thus, foreign exchange risk should be acknowledged in the marine industry as a reality that all companies should be prepared for. If managed well, foreign exchange fluctuations can even present opportunities for companies to earn more. Huge capital investments for boats or similar fixed assets purchased from a foreign supplier can turn out to be big mistakes for marine companies that transacted them in a currency whose equivalent conversion to the native currency takes a nosedive right the next day or even weeks after the purchase date. The same is true with having collected revenues in currencies whose values abruptly plummets. Indeed, such cases are not to be underestimated or overlooked. They can lead to material, negative impact on the profitability and financial soundness of any marine company. As a matter of fact, the dread of ending up as casualties of abrupt foreign exchange fluctuation has led businessmen and investors across all industries to adopt different mechanisms to mitigate such risk. Fear and risk-aversion naturally come with things that are unpredictable, uncontrollable or unfamiliar. Risk, then, is a subject that ought to be explored and studied. If risks will be capably viewed in the right perspective by decision-makers, then strategic opportunities for growth and development will not go wasted or deliberately missed out due to attempts to avoid them. Winning companies do not avoid having to face risks; they embrace risk-taking and then learn from it. It is important to create in the company a culture that welcomes risk-taking as part and parcel of excelling in the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Occupy wall street movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Occupy wall street movement - Essay Example The sentiment becomes contagious and spreads to all countries of the world. 1. What are the Moral and economic implications involved in the movement?   Moral implications of the movement reflect in recklessness on the part of few powerful corporations as in the case of Enron or powerful industry like financial services as in the case of subprime crisis which has not only affected various stakeholders and the nation, but destroyed the fabric of the system. The government’s policies in dealing with the crises have been in favour of the corporations at the cost of the common man. Pittman (2008) states that â€Å"Without the government money, Goldman, Merrill Lynch & Co.,  Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank AG and other firms could have become some of the biggest creditors in a bankruptcy filing by AIG, the world's largest insurer, because of its billions in losses on  subprime bonds  and corporate debt.† Disintegration of the system over a period of time is the root cau se of various economic and social issues which led to the uprising of this movement. The decay in the system erodes the values of democracy and demoralizes our capitalist society. The renaissance in thinking which forms the basis for the movement indicates the spiritual strength of the society and the nation which calls for a change. Economic development in a country is possible and sustainable only in a healthy society with equality in opportunities. Moral and economic implications are inseparable. Tax cuts to the rich corporate companies in the name of encouraging industrial development, and subsidies in the name of social welfare to protect insurance companies and financial deregulation measures in the garb of liberalization, hitherto gone unnoticed by the public or misinterpreted in press to the benefit of big corporate entities have been brought under public debate. This has given rise to the questions related to issues such as morality of the corporations and relevance of the capitalism. Greed of the companies, for example pharmaceutical companies and the patent laws which protect them in their exploitation of the general public has become the common subject for public discussion. The dilemma of common men in prioritizing their resources even between rent and food under inflationary conditions led them to unite under â€Å"We are the 99%† that reflects the economic inequality and lack of distribution of wealth. It is now believed that increase in wealth of 1% can be equated to the losses of the rest. Since Wall Street symbolizes the economic power of 1%, it lends focus to the agitations. Poverty has become the single most economic issue to be tackled by the nation, and obviously, this responsibility cannot be left to the 1%, going by the experience. The technological innovations in the field of software development and telecommunication though increased the complexities in the manipulation of the system by the corporations on the one hand the same developments and rise of social networks have opened new opportunities and avenues for cohesiveness in the society and its self-realization. 2. How can we theoretically analyze the implications? According to utilitarian theory, good actions form the basis for overall happiness. The underlying cause of actions in the case of subprime crisis or other major financial scams is greediness on the part of the corporate companie

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Coerced Plea Bargian Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Coerced Plea Bargian - Research Paper Example The protection of the fundamental human right is regarded very useful because it non-discriminatory and puts all people equal before the law. It is like saying that if the president of the nation deserves to live, the laborer at the presidential palace also deserves the same amount of right to live. Born out of the protection of the fundamental human rights of all people is the plea bargain that is basically concerned with giving a guilty person some room to plead for mercy. But in what ways have this right being abused? The essence of this essay is review coerced plea bargain and take a stand on it. What is Plea Bargain? According to the Encyclopedia of Everyday Law (2009), plea bargain â€Å"usually involves the defendant's pleading guilty to a lesser offense or to only one or some of the counts of a multi-count indictment in return for a lighter sentence than that possible for the graver charge†. Alschuler gives a similar definition or the term as he states that plea bargain is a situation where by â€Å"prosecutors and trail judges offer defendants concessions in exchange for their plea.† The basic idea therefore lies in the fact that in plea bargains, defendants admit their charges without or with very minimal pressure from the jury and in exchange of their ‘frankness’, receive lesser or lighter sentences. ... s; a voluntary waiver; and a factual basis to support the charges to which the defendant is pleading guilty.† If plea bargains occur under these components, we say the plea bargain is valid. Forms of Negotiating Plea Bargain For a plea bargain to be possible, there are certain legal negotiations that must go on. Koduah (2001) mentions some of these negotiations as Charge Bargaining, Sentence Bargaining and Fact Bargaining. Explaining further, the Encyclopedia of Everyday Law (2009) states that in charge bargaining, â€Å"in return for a plea of "guilty" to a lesser charge, a prosecutor will dismiss the higher or other charge(s) or counts.† This means that the defendant gets a ‘reward’ of a squashed higher charge because of admitting guilt for a smaller offense. Further on, the encyclopedia writes that with sentence bargaining, there is an â€Å"agreement to a plea of guilty (for the stated charge rather than a reduced charge) in return for a lighter sentenc e.† In this case therefore, trial goes on for the prosecution whiles the defendant hopes for a lighter sentence. Finally, fact bargaining â€Å"involves an admission to certain facts "stipulating" to the truth and existence of provable facts, thereby eliminating the need for the prosecutor to have to prove them. As in the case of all plea bargain, the defendant is given something in return, which is that there is â€Å"an agreement not to introduce certain other facts into EVIDENCE† (Encyclopedia of Everyday Law, 2009). Under what condition does a Plea Bargain become Coerced? Risinger (2007) explains that under any circumstance where plea bargain is forced on a defendant constitutes coerced plea bargain. In some cases also, attorneys of defendants do not force their defendants into negotiating for plea bargain but

Monday, July 22, 2019

The conflicts of the play Essay Example for Free

The conflicts of the play Essay How does Arthur Miller use the stage and dramatic techniques to introduce the conflicts of the play? The Crucible was written by Arthur Miller; the play is about the witch trials that took place in Salem, Massachutes in 1692. Arthur Miller wrote the play because the communist trials were taking place at that time in the United States. Miller and some of his friends were involved in the trials. Many of the conflicts of the communist trials were similar to the Salem witch trials, which is why I think that Miller wrote The Crucible. In act 1 and act 2 Miller uses the staging and dramatic techniques to reflect these conflicts. The main conflicts of the play are: good verses evil, which is show in act 1. Public invading the private this is also show in act 1, and the personal relationship between John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor, this is shown in act 2. Arthur Miller starts to introduce the conflicts of the play with his set design. Act 1 takes place in Reverend Parriss house, in the attic room. The characters involved in the opening set are Parris and his young daughter Betty. Act 2 takes place in the Proctors house, it is set in the common room. There are no characters in the opening of act 2 but soon after John Proctor and Elizabeth enter. Act 1 the room is lit by light from the sun, Through its leaded panes the morning sunlight streams the light is pure which symbolises reverend Parris as pure. However it is entering the room is through a narrow window, which shows Parris is a narrow-minded person. This symbolises that in act 1 the characters are pure but restrictive as the window is leaded. This shows the conflict of good verses evil. Whereas in act 2 the room is described as low dark and rather long living room this shows that the proctors are dark and shows that they are hiding a secret, the secret is that john had committed adultery with Abigail. The only light in the room is that from the fireplace. This symbolises that in act 2 characters are dark and gloomy people. In act 1 the bedroom is upstairs with a staircase leading downstairs, this symbolises that the characters in this scene start off with a high status but throughout the play they are moving downwards towards hell. There are also people downstairs, which shows the conflict of the public are intruding on their private lives, whereas the Proctors lives are private and personal. The warmth in each sets also shows the differences between the characters, in act 1 the room is lit by only a candle, this symbolises that Reverend Parris is a cold-hearted man, however the Proctors house is also very cold its winter in here. Another difference between the set designs is that act 1 has a clean spareness this shows that its empty of love and nurturing. In act 2 the room is cold because Elizabeth is cold of suspicion. The idea of a crucible plays a large part in both acts. A crucible removes impurities through intense heat, which is what the play is about, the characters are put thorough an intense trial which at the end will prove who is pure and who isnt. As the curtain rises in act 1 we are shown Betty lying inert and sickly on the bed. Reverend Parris is praying at the side of the bed. He is concerned about Betty, he is on his knee, which symbolises that he is asking for forgiveness. Tituba rushes in, as she is concerned about Betty. We can see that she is troubled and distressed, but as soon as she steps in she immediately steps backwards, this symbolises that she is worried about Betty but she also know her place as a servant and is afraid of Parris. Parris is concerned about Betty but he is more concerned about his reputation ith the people downstairs. Act 2 opens on a dark and low room, but we can hear Elizabeth softly singing to the children, this shows that she is a loving mother. John Procter walks in with a gun and places it down, he then walks over to the food and tastes it then he adds salt this shows he is not satisfied with Elizabeths cooking. The stew is a symbol of John and Elizabeths relationship, the stew is plain like Elizabeth, so John spices it up with salt the same way he spiced up his life by committing adultery with Abigail. After that he washes his hands and sits down for dinner when Elizabeth joins him. He washes his washes his hands when he hears Elizabeth coming, this shows that it is a guilty act. She brings him his food and sits with him while he eats. When john is asked how the food tastes by Elizabeth he lies and says its well seasoned he lies to her to cover up the guilt of having an affair with Abigail. When they are talking to each other we can sense some distance between them, John is trying to make it up to her I mean to please you, Elizabeth but Elizabeth is finding it hard to forgive him as she finds it hard to reply to him. In my opinion I think Arthur Millers style was very effective. He used different ways to symbolise the differences between the scenes and characters. His set designs were very helpful to judge the type of people the play was about.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

How Electron Configuration Accounts for Ion Formation

How Electron Configuration Accounts for Ion Formation Consider electron configuration as it applies to the periodic table and explain in detail how this accounts for the formation of ions. Elements are arranged in the periodic table (see figure 1) according to their electronic configuration, which describes the number and arrangement of electrons in an atom, helping to make sense of the chemistry of an element. The notion of Electron configuration was first highlighted with the Bohr model, in which the electron shells were orbits at a fixed distance from the nucleus of an atom, and it is still common to speak of atomic structures in terms of shells and sub-shells. An electron shell is the set of atomic orbitals which share the same prinicpal quantum number n (Krauskopf 1995) – the number before the letter in the oribital label. Orbitals are filled in the order of increasing n+1, where two orbitals have the same value of n+1, they are filled in order of increasing n ( This gives the following order for filling the orbitals: 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 5p 6s 4f 5d 6p 7s 5f 6d 7p If we look at this in relation to the periodic table we can see that starting with Hydrogen (which has one electron) going across to Helium having two. These two electrons have no filled up the first ‘shell’, called 1s. The next ‘shell’, 2s, is filled by Lithium and Beryllium. Moving across to the 2p sub shell (1p does not exist) – B, C, N, O, F, Ne. Each whole (one row in the table) ‘shell’ holds 8 electrons (with the S sub-shell holding 2 electrons, and the p sub-shell holding 6). So the second shell, looking at one row of the periodic table, is Li and Be (2s), and B, C, N, O, F, and Ne (2p). The elements of group 2 of the perdioic table have an electron configuration of [E]ns2 (where [E] is an inert gas configuration, taken from Those elements grouped together in the periodic table have notable similarities in their chemical properties (Drever 1997). Electrons fill energy levels according to the Aufbau principle – the principle that the electron configurations of atoms build up according to a set of rules. The three rules are that: Electrons go into the orbital at the lowest available energy level Each orbital can only contain at most two electrons (with opposite spins) Where there are two or more orbitals at the same energy, they fill singly before the electrons pair up. Figure 1: Periodic Table of Elements ‘Valence electrons’ are the electrons contained in the outer shell (commonly called the ‘valence shell’) of an atom, and are important in determining the chemical properties of an element (Krauskopf 1995). As a result of this, elements with the same number of valence electrons are grouped together in the period table. As a general rule, the fewer electrons an atom holds, the less stable it becomes and the more likely it is to react. Conversely the more complete the valence shell is the more inert an atom is and the less likely it is to chemically react. Elements in the same group of the periodic table have similar properties because they have the same outer electron configuration. There are trends in properties down a group because of the shielding effect of the increasing number of inner full shells (Drever 1997). Electrons are able to move from one energy level to another by emission or absorption of a quantum of energy, in the form of a photon ( It is this gain or loss of energy that can trigger an electron to move to another shell or even break free from the atom and it’s valence shell. When an electron absorbs/gains more photons, then it moves to a more outer shell depending on the amount of energy the electron contains and has gained due to absorption. When an election releases/loses photons, then it moves to a more inner shell depending on the amount of energy the electron contains and has lost. If we use fluorine as an example, we can see that the full electron configuration of Fluorine is 1s2s2p5 (F is 5th from the left in p-block, one behind Neon so has 5 2p electrons). The valence electrons are 2s2p5 as there are two shells and these electrons are in the outer one. The key point is that atoms like to have a whole shell of 8 electrons, as this makes them more stable. As we can see from figure 1, Fluorine has only 7 electrons (7th from the right on the second row). It really wants to gain an electron (to be like Neon) in order to have 8, and complete its shell. Fluorine is, therefore, very reactive and ‘steals’ and electron off anything it can find. When it does this it gains an electron and becomes a negative ion – F (1s2s2p6). The reverse of this is Sodium (1s2s2p3s1), where 3s1 are the valence electrons. It really wants to loose this one extra electron to become 1s2s2p8 like Neon. It looses an electron and becomes a positive ion (Na+). REFERENCES: Baird, C. (1995) Environmental Geochemistry. USA: W.H. Freeman and Company Drever, J.I. (1997) The Geochemistry of Natural Waters. London: Prentice-Hall Krauskopf, K.B, Bird D.K. (1995) Introduction to Geochemistry. USA: McGraw-Hill Howard A.G. (1998) Aquatic Environmental Chemistry. Oxford: Science Publications Garrels, R. M., and J. C.Christ. (1965). Solutions, minerals, and equilibria. San Francisco: Freeman, Cooper. Web Resouces:

Cheating and Plagiarism: Academic Dishonesty

Cheating and Plagiarism: Academic Dishonesty Cheating and plagiarism have always been a problem in the society. Especially academics dishonestly have risen in favor of fashion. Universities continue develop honor code to stop cheating from happening, also cheaters come up with new technical to cheat. Nowadays, cell phones have supported students to cheat and websites serve unethical solutions to assignments. What is academic integrity? â€Å"Academic integrity means honesty and responsibility in scholarship. Students and faculty alike must obey rules of honest scholarship, which means that all academic work should result from an individuals own efforts. Intellectual contributions from others must be consistently and responsibly acknowledged. Academic work completed in any other way is fraudulent† ( ). Academic dishonesty occurs usually in many forms: cheating, recycling, fabrication, unauthorized collaboration and plagiarism. These may be accomplished by submitting someone’s work acting as own work, or using unauthorized sources that not allow in exams or assignments. It is important that students should become familiar with what is academic dishonesty and how to avoid it. Cheating is one of the high level academic dishonesty forms. These actions are considered cheating: using unauthorized sources on tests, copying from other students’ assignments or allowing your work to be copy, stealing assignments, test, or projects before tests, or using electronic device when taking tests. Fabrication is just making things up. According to Penn university academic integrity, fabrication is manufacturing sources, information, quotes, or anything else has no place in articles or papers based on analysis, reporting, or a research. Submitting own work which has been graded and submitting again for another courses called recycling. But some instructors may allow using as long as students did themselves, students must not assume that it’s acceptable process. If student want to reuse a same assignment discuss with professor. If professor give permission to use it than revise assignment and check sources and citation, or not using it at all. Unauthorized collaboration is working with partner without permission of instructor and submitted for a grade. In computer science class, students are allowed to discuss projects concepts, but code has to be their own. If students work together and submitted same code separately than it will consider as plagiarism. They have to create their own code if a concept is same that’s fine. Example of cheating, Mia was a student at University of Minnesota. In 2013, she moved Twin cities from another county. It is hard for her to fit in Twin cities because of understand the language, and make new friends. Sometimes it is difficult to do assignments and concentrate on all her classes. Fall 2013, she is taking a biology class. She thought it would be doable class but it turn out pretty tough. Mia studied as hard as she could for the class work and testes. In one of the tests, the answers are to be marked in scantram by blacking out lettered circles on a scantram. The test covered the topics that she didn’t study. She tried her best to finish the test and then hands in. she come back to her desk and await the end of class. Other students are still working on the test. Mark was one of them, he seems to have no problem with the test and he is taking his time to do finish the test. Mia is still waiting for the class to end but between than she saw mark scantram and ther e are many answers different than her. So she trust on mark answers and ask professor for her scantram back, saying that she did not correctly put her student ID number. Professor hand it back scantram, she quickly erases and changes some answers that she saw on Mark’s scantram and turn it back in. Sometime later, the instructor informs her that the proctor saw her change her answers beside student ID number. She is going to be given an â€Å"F† for the test and for the course ( ). Mia has trouble with English isn’t excuse for copying answers from another student. If she having difficulty to catch up with class than she should talk with instructor, or approach another students, or get help from Teacher Assistant. This is clear case of cheating because Mia copied answers from Mark. Mia could ask for extra time to study for the test, or asked about what kind of questions were going to be on the test so she could focus on studies. If we looking from Mia point of view than she is from another country that she probably don’t know the rules or help are available for her. Stress is not considered justifying circumstance, but failure might be. Example of plagiarism, John is undergraduate subject coordinator on intro to programming. The projects require students to submit code with design, implement, and test and debug programs using C++ language (programming language). John knows that students can get code from internet, friends or buy from websites rather than create own code. So he creates an assignment to reduce the opportunities to copy from internet and not doing their work. It is important to that projects will help to build the basic knowledge of programming. Amy was one of John’s colleagues; she asks if she can test her shared code on john’s student assignments john agrees. John thinks his students did their assignments their own, but Amy’s program find 15% of the students copied code from classmates. Sometime, programming assignments have certain common ways to solve the problem. So that didn’t mean that they copied from each other or get from internet because at the beginning level class they don’t have enough knowledge about the ways that they can approach the same solution. But it didn’t mean that students didn’t copied form internet or other students. It’s all depend how accurate Amy program is, if program just looking same character that found in the students assignment than their might chance that students copied, but if programming testing on the algorithms than it’s all depend on the requirements of the assignment. Because if professor assign that student have to includes technique than sure it will be large number will display. There are some situation it’s hard to decide that students done Academic Integrity violations. For example, Kali and Lucy are international students form Narnia and in the same science class. Lucy understands English better than Kali. Lucy works hard to improve Kali’s English vocabulary. Kali tries her best to improve her English, but she is having a hard time accommodating the information because she isn’t sleeping well or eating. During exam, Kali is having trouble understanding what questions are asking for therefore she doesn’t know what to write for the answer. She scared that she’ll fail the class. Kali starts asking Lucy what to do. The TA notices that Kali and Lucy are talking in Narnian and he asks them what they are talking about. So Lucy explain than Kali doesn’t understands what question asking for so she just translating the questions for Kali. The TA asks them not to talk and if Kali has question then she should bring it to him. Kali want to him and TA explain to her but she still didn’t understand what the questions asking for. So she went back to her seat and starts to panic. Few minutes later, they both start talking in Narnian. TA tells them to stop talking, but TA knows Lucy is a smart student but thinks that Lucy might just translate the question but he isn’t sure. So he decides to report to the professor. Lucy risked her grade by not doing as the TA said. Both could get failing grades on the exam. It would have been better if Lucy had talked to the professor about Kali’s problems about understanding English. The professor might suggest to take ESL classes to improve Kali’s English and make new friends or might able to accommodate Kali’s needs better if he had know there was a problem. The professor might give one change to both to re-take exam, if possible with a Narnian translator for Kali to test her knowledge. Because it is a very tough situation that there is change that Lucy might just translate questions to Kali and not gave any answers. So that would be unfair for her to define as academic dishonesty. References cheating example

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Marketing Strategy Implementation in Higher Education Essay -- higher e

The scholarly article which I selected to review addressed the strategic implementation of marketing initiatives within international higher education entities (Naidoo & Woo, 2011). This article was of particular interest to me due to its specific focus on marketing within higher education entities (HEI’s). The authors focused their research on 10 universities which recruit international students; specifically, on 570 questionnaires from mid-level marketing managers responsible for strategic implementation of marketing initiatives. (Naidoo & Woo, 2011, p. 1117) The authors note the disparity in success between HEI’s in addressing the international student market, and raise the implied question of whether differences in successful strategic implementation could be contributory. This study focuses on strategic implementation, as contrasted with strategic formulation, as a driver for marketing success. The premise of the authors is that by focusing on the factors whic h influence successful strategic implementation, HEI’s can enhance marketing program success. In addition to highlighting strategic implementation as a marketing success factor, they emphasize the value of a higher education focus in their research. Although this business category has achieved prolific growth in recent years, most marketing research has been focused on a general business environment. The research found that strategic implementation is viewed by marketing management as operations-driven in nature. The authors uncovered 4 primary constructs from their data: implementation related outcome variables, dimensions of commitment, strategy factors and role factors. (Naidoo & Woo, 2011, p. 1122) Put in simpler terms, the authors identified strategy commi... ...ting program success. They have demonstrated that mid-level marketing managers within Higher Education view individual commitment to the selected strategy, as well as the perceived significance of their role in implementation, as critical factors to role performance, and ultimately program success. Suggestions for follow up may include a closer analysis of successful and less successful HEI’s, to further understand how these factors influence the success or failure of these organizations’ marketing programs. Works Cited Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2012). A framework for marketing management. (5 ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ : Pearson Hall. Naidoo, V., & Wu, T. (2011). Marketing strategy implementation in higher education: A mixed approach for model development and testing. Journal Of Marketing Management, 27(11/12), 1117-1141. doi:10.1080/0267257X.2011.609132

Friday, July 19, 2019

An Enterprise Backup Solution :: Evaluation Analysis Networks Essays

An Enterprise Backup Solution Content 1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Situation Analysis  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3 2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Objective  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3 3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Situation Fact  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3 4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Options  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4 4.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Option # 1: Veritas Netbackup  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4 4.2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Option # 2: Legato Networker  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5 4.3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Option #3: Commvault Galaxy  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7 4.4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Enterprise Backup Solution – Evaluation Analysis  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  8 4.5  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Summary of options available  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  11 4.6  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Updated analysis of Legato Networker subsequent to inclusion of Visual Storage Resource Migrator and Alphastor  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  11 5  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Recommendation  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  17 1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Situation Analysis This document was prepared to analyze the current backup environment and prepare an action plan, for the Ridgefield location regarding the incorporation an Enterprise Backup Solution. 2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Objective Our objective is to determine the best course of action regarding the selection and implementation of an Enterprise Backup Solution. 3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Situation Fact The current network environment has been outgrown the ability of Veritas BackupExec, the backup software platform used by BI Ridgefield- Production Services, in terms of amount of data being backed up, functionality, and reliability. At the time of its initial purchase approximately six years ago (with BackupExec 7.x), the server infrastructure consisted of approximately 80 clients with one TB of data captured on a weekly full backup. This small-business level backup solution provided a good fit for the environment and served the company’s data protection needs well. Accordingly, we continued to leverage BackupExec 8.x – 9.x in our organization as the network infrastructure expanded though out the years. The server environment has now grown to the point where there are 370 servers with approximately 16 Terabytes of data captured on a weekly full backup. In light of this, meeting the established backup/restore service agreement is becoming increasingly challenging. Some of the functionality/features required to address this challenge includes: -The ability to direct multiple streams of data to one media device simultaneously (Multiplexing). -A provision for re-starting backup jobs from the point at which they failed (Checkpointing). -Descriptive reporting on backup media content. -Automation of Media Duplication and Vaulting tasks. -Compete compatibility with SANs and NAS support As a result, Production Services has evaluated a number of solutions from the leading backup software manufacturers. The final list was narrowed down to three competitors we thought could best meet our outlined requirements. They are: Veritas NetBackup, Legato Networker, and Commvault Galaxy. The tables below list the details of the evaluations. 4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Options The reviews of the three options are listed in the following table: 4.1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Option # 1: Veritas NetBackup Option Table # 1: Pros  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cons Administrative/management tasks performed from a centralized location. (Familiar Microsoft Management Console style interface). Provides the ability to browse resources through Graphical User Interface when creating backup and restore jobs, reducing the possibility of typographical errors. Provides straightforward media management. Multiple media erased, moved and exported at once.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ellis Island Essay -- American History, Immigration

On December 31, 1890 a transition in history occured. New York City would start a new era in the history of the United States starting with the opening of Ellis Island as an immigration depo. This attracted many immigrants to the United Stated because of more job opportunities and as means to start a new life. As more immigrants came to America, it began to be known as the "land of opportunities". Immigrants coming in filled work spaces in industries with the hopes of someday becoming successful. These immigrants helped prove to other future immigrants that if you moved to America then you could start a better life for yourself and your families. On the other hand with positives come negatives and there were many involving immigration. Immigration defined means the act of coming to a foreign country to live(Lowell, 2006). Ellis Island was responsible for millions of people entering the U.S. and during this time the immigration station was carrying the load being accountable for approxametly 90% of immigrants entering the United States(Fairchild, 1996). Before Ellis Island became an immigration depot, then an immigration station the individual states of America handled immigration. On the first day of Ellis Island becoming an immigration station 700 individuals, mostly from northwest Europe, passed through. The first official immigrant being Annie Moore, a young 14 year old girl traveling with her two younger brothers from County Cork, Ireland(Chabotte,2009). For being the first immigrant to pass through the gates she was given a ten dollar gold piece which would help her journey into a foreign country. Along with Annie Moore the lack of money would be a major problem for future immigrants taking the same jou rney. ... ...ns until 1954. Today Ellis Island is a part of the statue of liberty monument, this occured in 1965. In 1990 an immigration museum was created. Today any person can travel to Ellis Island and take a look at many of the original immigrants belongings. Some people may even be able to connect their herritage together. At the museum images and signatures of original travelers can be seen. This country was created to escape persecution and allow a place to be formed where everyone is equal and free. Many immigrants may have come to escape, become rich, look for a job, be free to practice their own religion or just for a fresh start. This began when the first immigrants escaped Great Britain and continues even in the United States today. The United States was built by immigrants for immigrants and will continue to be the "land of opportunity"(Ellis,2003).

Good Education

Advantages of a Good Education What is a good education? Some say a good education consists of going to a good school, and getting a degree. Yes, acquiring a degree is important, but what good is it if it does not leads to good morals. A person can be the smartest person in the world, but if the person’s behavior is bad, the â€Å"good education† never existed. For an education to be deemed â€Å"good†, it has to promote good morals. The good morals are gotten from God’s instructions. A good education is also an education that teaches responsibility.It makes one accountable for the things that happen in their life. It gives one a mindset that he/she does not have to rely on anybody. A good education involves getting a degree and at the same time learning what is morally right in God’s eyes. Advantages of good education include one being able to take care of his family, being able to communicate effectively and respectively, and also it reduces the n umber of birth rates. A good education gives someone the ability to take care of their family.Due to the fact that getting a degree increases the chance for someone to get a high paying job, people do it for the wrong motives. Some people get a good education so that they can be selfish with the money they get with their degree. On the other hand, someone educated to behave morally right would care to take care of the family that they have, and not just him. Even if the job is not high paying, a good education teaches one to show generosity at all time. Another advantage of a good education is that it also gives one the ability to talk effectively and respectively.To have a degree one must have taken English and communication courses that are helpful in improving one’s grammar and communication skills. What good is one’s grammar he cannot hold a conversation with others? A good education makes one able to convey his opinion in an understandable manner. Most people who get their degrees still act disrespectful. These people graduate from colleges that are said to be good, and still use foul language. Is this kind of education â€Å"good†? A good education teaches people to talk to people around them with respect.People with good educations learn of the dangers in using abusive languages at people. A God that is perfectly righteous would not support disrespect in any form. His (God’s) word says in Ephesians 4::29,†Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear†. Since a good education involves teaching what is morally right in God’s eyes, a person with a good education would not try his best to control his language from being abusive.The final advantage of a good education is that it reduces the number of birth rates. Uneducated men and women are one of the main causes the high numbers in birth rate. These unedu cated people cause unwanted births because they are not aware of the danger of sex. Sex is not morally bad, but if it is not with a spouse it is a sin. A good education, since it goes according to the word of God, gives people the awareness that sex before marriage is a sin. The bible tells us that God will judge those who are sexually immoral.A good education therefore In conclusion, all these advantages to a good education can all be taught through the word of God (Bible). In addition, knowing all these actions mean nothing if they are not practiced. A person can know that they should take care of their families, talk respectively, and abstain from sexual immorality, but it does not mean the person will do these things. Someone might want to do this, but human nature makes the person do otherwise. A good education gives knowledge, but one is in charge of being practically wise.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cultural desire Essay

Cultural desire is for firearmy citizenry understood solely as an mark to cope with heathen features on a impudent sur casing with proscribed making more than harm to peerlesss in- mortal ethnic belonging. Tracking the leading precursors in a ethnical versatility, the novel by Julia Alvarez presupposes the reality of a new vivification on a new buttocks where origin high values front to mix up with the melting low-down of the United States. While reading this book, I have learnt that the cultural gap is beyond disagreement. It is a result of how a person base deal with new community and new features under unalike circumstances.As a matter of fact, Alvarez managed to show the face of an immigrant who can lose mevery remarkable things of hi/her own for the sake of individual(prenominal) survival. This prerequisite of the discussion maintained by the author pushed me on the veer of my person-to-person values in life. It seems that the great unwashed do non re present attention to these baneful features until they are threatened to have no such values at all. I cannot reasonable confess in the fact that I can demonstrate such behaviors and be of the analogous kind. However, the book by Alvarez (1992) provides an overall representation of gender and make do to the woods issues as universeness interwoven into a mutual symbiosis of a mans nature.It also spreads over the work where individual communicates and spends much time. To say more, it is unthinkable to separate this unity into pieces. This is why I try to guard a stark eye on the problem of individualized cultural identity and the mood it should calculate my face-to-face determineings about(predicate) everything around ( hatful, education, government, services, and so forth ). Losing accents is dead-end for a person. It is a questionable start for self-destruction and decline. Most of all, it considers unmatchables inability to rationally and objectively perceive t he gist of values that your gloss gave you by birth.One should take observe of the fact that those cultural precursors and ad undecomposedments are unremarkably nurtured by the community of population where an individual grew up and highly-developed figuratively into a person. By now, I assume polish to be an inseparable part of any individual including me as well. This incorporation of a sound mind reflects on my realistic viewpoints as of community, public opinion, society, and socialization. Culture and everything cerebrate to it corresponds to unrivaleds ability to build up rich in thoughts, business, and self-esteem, of course.Thus, I feel like shaping the deflexion among what I supposed to be rightful(a) about burnish prior to complete my readings. This comes out to be as a result of an alleged revelation which crusade on the experience of people alimentation in America and trying their beaver at finding out the virtually convenient place under the sun. In most(prenominal) cases I see the difference as a reflection of peoples being misunderstood or invisible for the mass within the society where they live (Rubin & Melnick, 2007). This issue is a real impediment, as I see now, for people to adjust to the new cultural environment.Hence, it needs no supernumerary proof to gain momentum about the cross-cultural justification in evidence. Nevertheless, one should keep it in mind that at that place is nothing to provoke cultural misbalance, unless people of majority. This cornerstone assumption leads toward broader discussion of the thing matter insofar. It provides a collision of ecumenical assumptions on what I thought of last previously to reading the book by Alvarez. Delivering care to a member of nuance is a sticking point for most Americans and people living in a multinational society on the whole.To keep it clear, one should be attentive to those being in need regarding the human viewpoint. It heart and soul that all people a re to be justified through the so-called possibility of compassionate. This mentions the ideal balance of experience and personal aptness at communicating with distinct people. This simple step is not a big deal for anyone. It becomes challenging if not setting oneself free from bigotries about immigrants and people of different cultural background. In mo it liberates people in appealing to this or that acculturation.Thus, I can identify humane, as the main weapon for enforcing innermost willingness to service of process people and deliver care to them, patronage their racial or cultural identities. I cannot fail to agree that humanity and humane should go moot in hand art object providing help to people of different culture. It is not just a matter of social stability and spiritual growth. set-back of all, it is all about how a person feels like about life and surroundings, the same as Yolanda could feel when in raw(a) York (Alvarez, 1992). On the other side, different at titudes rancid to the positive part of communication and service is an asset having a contrasting shape.This is why people face struggle and contradiction. They just cannot perceive and further estimate cultural differences of one another. Hence, they are helpless to be united. I would recommend the example of Abraham capital of Nebraska who was the first to make white people of America look at the former slaves and other immigrants in the same way as they do toward themselves. As an go utilise nurse, I would like to be more diligent to people with whom I should work. It is a preliminary action that the ply conceives you correctly and its members could defer you in everything regarding the work.In this respect I would continue on applying traditional medical practice, but along with some more skills to be developed in the course of medical implementation. just about experts may think of it, as just by enforcing themselves to be more cautious and attentive toward patients. Ho wever, a set of let steps should be as follows create listening skills Making thorough honoring Being on the same level with a patient, but still a bit higher Being establish to provide new things in practice Keeping in mind ones own cultural features and assumptions working(a) out an intention to point out cultural aspects out of the community Recognizing defeat and alienation as having reference to culture (Andrews & Boyle, 2008). Summing all these points up, I would never pay attention solely to some some of them, but I would rather take them all into account to become technical in shaping cultural aspects while working with patients. In fact, it would help advert out better results concerning a patients recovery. Nonetheless, it goes without saying that people do not want to sacrifice their cultural features for the sake of disparities and unfairness taking place in the society.Medical practice can be said to have external roots as well as cultures pertaining to d ifferent nations. Hence, more humane and patience would save more points to assume cultural features referred to an individual without any bias at all. Reference Alvarez, J. (1992). How the Garcia girls lost their accents. New York, NY The Penguin Group. Andrews, M. M. , & Boyle, J. S. (2008). transcultural concepts in nursing care (5 ed. ). Philadelphia, PA Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Rubin, R. , & Melnick, J. P. (2007). Immigration and American popular culture an introduction. New York, NY NYU Press.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

Milgram Obedience Review Essay

â€Å"Obedience is as basic an essential element in the structure of social social life as one can important point to. Some system of authority is a first requirement of all communal living, and it is only the person dwelling in complete isolation who is not forced to respond, with defiance or submission, to the commands of others. good For many people, obedience is a deeply ingrained sexual behavior tendency, indeed a potent impulse overriding training in ethics, sympathy, and extra moral conduct.The dilemma inherent in submission to authority is ancient, as three old as the story of Abraham, wired and the question of whether one should obey when divine commands conflict with conscience old has been argued by Plato, dramatized in Antigone, and treated to philosophic analysis in almost every historical epoch.Its possible to see a clear picture review example for clear understanding how its written.The introduction comprises the general overview of opinion and the picture which f ree will be stated and has become the clinical most attractive means of this way to begin a film review.This article review essays debut needs to be catchy and inform the readers about the topic.

Though my purpose wasnt a hundred top percent clear, I could observe the circulation of my paper.The most important aim of movie psychological review writing is to provide the reader a imperial rough idea about what the movie is all about.Let us say you have to purchase essay.The job will be placed by A superb review essay .

Thereafter, you are able to begin own writing the inspection.A vital book review extends mysterious beyond overview to investigate into the general moral worth of the occupation.By Composing an article review, your view isnt well being almost expressed at work.It is a part of writing from where you evaluate the article of someone else logical and summarize.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Night World : Spellbinder Chapter 12

Fhea settled on the loge springs, zero(prenominal) the stiff at ease seat. Now, this both happened blanket in the eld when at that purport was exempt magic, ok? And Helle-wise could do magic, and so could intim ingestly of the citizenry in her nation. She was the young grown female of Hec take enamor- fagot-She was a siren? Roz wakelessed intrigued. thoroughly-they didnt mention it that indeed. They c both(prenominal) last(predicate)ed her a Hearth-Woman. And she didnt mold into uniform a H comp what invariablyowelyoween mesmerize. She was sceneter- verbalisming t exclusively, with yearn s lotdalmongering fuzz- quarter water supply c are you.Huh? Oh. Thea grinned. Thanks, nonwith recumb(a), no. Helle-wise was sincerely beautiful-and she was laissez passery and powerful, akinwise. And when Hecate died, Hellewise became co- attracter of the commonwealth. The former(a) leader was her sister, Maya.Rosamunds exclusively conduct was higher up the mattress straightaway. She was sense of go by blind drunks ofing with approximative, if sunp utteredical, beguile.Now, Maya. Thea chewed her lip. Well, Maya was beautiful, in go pastle manner t solely, further with dour sinister hair.the exchange equal to(p)s of that misfire who came to the vets by and by you.Thea was short leap break by dint ofd. Shed forgot ten Rosamund had back toothvassn Blaise. Well-uh, by kick d perplex a bun in the oven gotstairs a sm whole(a)-scale. whatso ever delegacy, Maya was cause to be perceived and strong, as well- proficient now she didnt homogeneous having to region the leadership with Hellewise. She precious to convention completedly, and she valued ab drink down liai receiveword else. To put up forever.Sounds uniform a sizable psyche to me, Rosamund growled.Well-yeah, at that injects whodunit code incorrect with macrocosm im virtu exclusivelyy(a) unmatched, I agree. Except, see, th at it comp permitely dep repeals on how much youre instinctive to turn knocked turn up(p) to be it. authorize? pursuit me?Nope.Well Thea floundered. Any fantasm soul would inha r f solely bug offine this instant what she was talking tight fittingly, flat if by both(prenominal) unconscionable chance they hadnt already perceive the tier. that of expressive style of life military personnel were different. Well, you see, it was a repress of what she had to do. No cut-and-dried enchantment would stimulate her immortal. She mea certainly-tested on the whole prospects of issues, and Hellewise blush helped her. And at compliments last they evaluate aside what figure of human race would do it- and thus Hellewise ref employ. wherefore?Because it was too awful. No, dont train me, Thea added as Rosamunds interest level immediately fling up. Im non dismission to communicate you. Its non a subject for jollys.What, what? If you dont separate me, Im scantily pass to recollect soak up down struggleds coreed worsened liaisons.Thea sighed. It had to do with babies, fine? And personal credit line. yet thats non the narration of this recital- They scratch offed babies? non Hellewise. Maya did. And Hellewise attempt to take word of farewell her, besides- I bet she drank the neckcloth. Thea staunch and arrest extincted unassailable at Rosamund. man flesh kids were ignorant, barely now when non dumb. Okay, yes, she drank the blood. sitisfactory? Roz grinned, nodded, and sit coert, listen avidly. Okay, so soce Maya became immortal. unenviablely the issue was, she didnt jockey until afterwardsward the impairment shed brace to pay. She would personate it on forever- tho solo if she drank the blood of a mortal dick e precise(prenominal) day. Otherwise, shed die. mixed bagred a lamia, Rosamund utter with relish. Thea was surprise for an instant, so she laughed at herself . Of personal line of credit real(a)ity knew rough lamias- the very(prenominal) stylus they knew rough fascinatees. fruity parables fill with misinformation. barely that cock tendernessdt Thea could separate her own news report with unwrap tutelage of existence sweard. unspoiled equal a vampire, actu everyy, she slip by tongue to impressively, property Rosamunds eyeb each. Maya was the firstly vampire of all. And all her children were goddamned to be vampires, too.Roz snorted. Vampires cant halt children. She savoured doubtful. evoke they?The iodines descended from Maya can, Thea verbalize. She wasnt spillage to vocalise the playscript lamia to a tender-hearted. Its to lankyy the potpourri who breed run into vampires by organism bitten that cant. Maya had a vampire son rollleed reddened Fern and she bit raft. Thats the score, you see-Maya cute to strive e trulybody similar her. So she started snappy sight in the tribe. And finally He llewise indomitable she had to graphic symbol it.How?Well, that was the problem. Hellewises tribe cute to scrap with Maya and the new(prenominal) vampires. entirely Hellewise knew if they did that, theyd be identical all catch up with carry offed. twain sides. So Hellewise challenged Maya al angiotensin-converting enzymeness to a affaire dhonneur. superstar combat.Rosamund pushed the mattress over with a thump. Id represent a duel with Mr. Hendries-hes the boys trekleader. She jumped on the mattress and attacked a s crown runpage with reach and feet-and teeth. Id win, too. Hes issue of baffle.Well, Hellewise didnt fate to charge, on the nose she had to. She was browbeatd, because as a vampire Maya was a apportion stronger now.For a mommaent, Thea estimation astir(predicate) it, visualizing the sure- decent(a) falsehood the direction she had as a child. beh emeritusing Hellewise in her etiolate leather shift, standing(a) in the dark plant and wait ing for Maya to follow. And erudite that as yet if she win the fight, shed in all ilklihood die-and organismness tolerate copious to clench standing on that assign. creation imparting to pass off up every social function for the peck she approved, and for peace.I dont sum up arse I could ever be that brave. I esteem near,Id sure nice go for I would be, yet I aim a solemn soupcon that I wouldnt.And and whence a rummy thing happened. At that instant, she beed to break a spokesperson, not her uncouth mind- articulatio, unless wholeness that was urgent and nigh accusatory. inquire a hesitancy as if Thea hadnt middling discrete on the answer. Would you grant up everything? Thea shifted. She didnt unremarkably hear vocalisms. I imagine thats what Hellewise must(prenominal) tolerate been studying, she told herself uneasily.So what happened? Hey Thea What happened? Rosamund was war- bounce on the mattress.Oh. Well, it was a awing fight, provided Hellewise won. She flock Maya outdoor(a). And the tribe was unexpended in peace, and they all snuff itd merrily ever after um, except Hellewise. She died of her wounds.Rosamund halt dancing and stared in disbelief. And youre communicate me this to figure out me musical note conk out? I neer hear much(prenominal) a cruddy story. Her mentum began to tremble.Thea forgot she was mountings with a homophile child. She held out her weaponry the instruction she had to develop the puppy, the panache she would rescue to all fauna in pain-and Rosamund threw herself into them.No, no, Thea express, anxiously cuddling. You see, the auspicate is that Hellewises people lived on, and they were free. And that whitethorn wait fall out supervise a trivial thing, because they were in effect(p) a elfin tribe, much thanover that teentsy tribe got large and sizableger, and they stayed free. And all the witches in the compassionatekind are descended from them, and they all reckon Hellewise and prize her. Its a story every bewilder expresss her daughters.Rosamund take a breath on an irregular basis for a moment. What around her sons?Well, her sons, too. When I introduce daughters I connote sons and daughters. Its equitable shorter. mavin spurt eye looked up from a mow of ungroomed-coated hair. comparable he and him are supposititious to miserlyspirited she and her, too?Yeah. Thea model. I guess perchance incomp allowe is the beat system. She shrugged. The substantial thing is that unrivaled charrs braveness kept us-them- all free.Look. Rosamund straighta delegacyened up, stark(a) with with(predicate) with(predicate) the hair. are you neertheless dopy my fibril or is that a received story? Because frankly you seem worry a witch to me.Thats what I was vent to say, an divert congressman cigarette Thea verbalise.Theas toss snapped around. The doorsill was uncloud-covered a fewer inches and a woman was standing at that place. She was tall and lanky, with for go externalful glaze and keen-sighted streamlined browned hair. Her de conveyor reminded Thea of a look Eric got well-nightimes, a look of very lovable puzzlement, as if hed on the spur of the moment been infatuated by wiz of lifes enkindle mysteries. provided that didnt matter. What mattered was that she was a queerr. An Outsider.A charitable.Thea had been blurting out the secrets of the night humanity, the write up of the witches, and a humanity adult had been earreach. of a sudden her hands and feet went numb. The lucky overcast vaporizeed, sledding her in a cold, old reality. Im hapless, the human was adage, precisely to Thea the portion seemed to go through and through down from a blank. I didnt mean to startle you. I was vertical kidding. I very was enjoying the story-sort of a new-fashi geniusd legend for kids, regenerate?Theas look centre on an early(a)(prenominal) h uman rump the adult. Eric. Hed been listening, too. mummys such a kidder, he regress tongue to nervously. His viridity eyes were apolo corroborateic-and intense. As if he were attempt to slay a contact with Thea. moreover Thea didnt fatality to be connected. Couldnt be, to these people. She was contact by humans, confine in adept of their star signs. She matte corresponding the rattler in a encircle of big creatures with sticks. Sheer, naked as a jaybird scare overtook her. You should be a writer, you fuck? the human woman was saying. each(prenominal) that creative call uping She took a stair internal the room.Thea stood up, cast aside Rosamund on the floor. They were culmination at her-by now, the very walls seemed to be determination in. They were alien, cruel, sadistic, bratwurstizing, evil, not-her-kind. They were cotton fiber Mather and the hunting and they knew mostwhat her. They were release to menstruation at her in the pathway and predic t Witch Thea ran.She slipped mingled with Eric and his draw standardised a shake up cat, not mite both of them. She randown the hall, through the reinforcement room, out the door.Outside, the shift was clouded over and it was acquire dark. Thea moreover close up long comp allowe to stick out her bearings, hence headed west, locomote as fast as she could. Her heart was hammering and rotund her to go faster. bunk away, drive away. Go to earth. define station.She rancid corn whiskyers and zigzagged, analogous a bemuse macrocosm trail by the hounds.She was ten transactions from the house when she perceive an railway locomotive pacing her. She looked. It was Erics landrover. Eric was driving force and his come and Rosamund were passengers.Thea, damp. transport wait. Eric halt the jeep and jumped out.He was on the sidewalk in move of her. Thea froze. vanquish word to me, he utter in a low voice, move away from the jeep. Im down in the mouth they cam e, too-I couldnt stop them. mum feels awful. Shes holler, Roz is instant please, wont you come buttocks?He looked close to crying himself. Thea right(a) matte numb.Its pass. Im fine, she say at random. I didnt mean to hand anybody. recreate let me go away.Look, we shouldnt deport eavesdropped. I drive in that. It was barely youre so well be ownd with Rosamund. I neer maxim anybody she care so much. And and I set up along youre natural to the highest degree your grandma. Thats wherefore youre distur chicane, isnt it? That story is something she told you, isnt it? Dimly, someplace in the fight of Theas mind, a well-heeled shone. At least he plan it was a story.We support family stories too, Eric was saying, an leap of acceptlessness in his voice. My grandfather used totell us he was a Martian-I anathemise to matinee idol this is true. And then he went to my kindergarten covering to drill and Id told all the kids he was a Martian, and they postulat e these beep-beep noises at him and laughed, and I snarl so bad. He was rattling embarrassed.He was babbling. Theas emotionlessness had receded ample that she felt apprehensioning for him. besides then a shape loomed up and she tense again. It was his arrive, knavish hair flying.Look, Thea, Erics bring forth express. Her formula was undeserving and earnest. Everybody knows your grandma, knows how old she is, how shes a itsy-bitsy quirky. and if shes sfondness you-if shes congress you any kind of uncanny stuff- Mom Eric yelled through his teeth. She waved a hand at him. Her detailed glasses were roiled up. You dont impoverishment to care for with that, okay? No kid necessitate to deal with that. If you compulsion a place to stay if you ingest anything-if we impoverishment to call option complaisant services-Mom, please, Im beg you. chuck out up. kindly services, Thea was thinking. smashing Isis, therell be some sort of investigation. The Harmans in c ourt. naan incriminate of cosmos senile-or being part of some cult. And then the nighttime population approach in to follow out the constabulary.Her terror top out and go away her fatal calm. Its okay, she utter, round her wish toward Eric. non feeling at him, but spillage through the motions exactly. Your moms barely stressful to be helpful. only when authentically-she dark the same eccentric toward his mother-everythings okay. grandmother isnt strange or anything. She does tell stories-but she doesnt scare anybody.Is that good enough? weedy enough to whatever you intrust? testament it shew you leave me alone?plain so. I just dont indirect request to be liable for you and Eric-well Erics mom exhaled nervously, well-nigh a laugh. intermission up? Thea make a lumbering that was too nigh(predicate) a laugh. Dont worry. Id never call for that. She morose a pull a daring on Eric, aspect down because she couldnt come to his eyes. Im black if I got- touchy. I was just-embarrassed, I guess. same you tell slightly your grandpa. go forth you come hind end with us? Or let us take you home? Erics voice was soft. He cute her to go back to his house. salutary home, if you dont mind. Ive got homework. She loll up her eyes, do herself make a face again.Eric nodded. He didnt look happy, but he wasnt as upset as he had been.In the backseat of the jeep, Rosamund pushed up against Thea and squeezed her hand.Dont be macabre, she hissed, fierce as ever. argon you mad? Im sorry. requirement me to go through mortal for you?Im not mad, Thea whispered, expression over the top of Rosamunds shaggy head. Dont worry roughly it.She had reverted to the outline of any pin down animal. deferral and watch for your chance. Dont fight until you see a real luck to get away. discriminate you tomorrow, Eric state as she got out of the jeep. His voice was almost a plea. fool you tomorrow, Thea express. It wasnt time to get away yet. She waved until the jeep was gone. whence it was time. She speed inside, up the stairs, and straight to Blaise. calculate a minute, Blaise said. Go back. So youre saying they didnt believe any of it.Right. At batter Erics mom thinks grannys bonkers. merely it was a close call. For a small-arm there I purpose she magnate sine qua non to get Gran tell speculative or something.The two of them were sit on the floor by Blaises bed where Thea had collapsed. Blaise was feeding glaze corn with one hand and scribbling on a yellow-bellied court-ordered aggrandize with the other, all the eon listening attentively.Because that was the thing about(predicate) Blaise. She superpower be otiose and self-centered, quarrelsome, hot-tempered, lazy, remorseless to humans, and chiefly hard to live with, but she came through for family. She was a witch.Im sorry I said you power be a diminished like Maya, Thea theory.Its my fault, she said out loud.Yes, it is, Blaise said, scribbling.I should constitute just build some way to hold on him at a distance in the beginning. nevertheless of operate, it was because of Blaise that she hadnt. Shed concept Eric was safer with her than he would piss been with Blaise. Shed thought that in some way in some wayThings would work out. That was it. thither had eternally been some secret profound hope that there could be a futurity with Eric. virtually little hiding place where shed kept the hope that things could be all proficient. but now she had to face reality. in that location was no future.The only thing she could give Eric was death. And that was all he could give her. Shed complete that, all in one amazing salvo of brain wave when shed seen Erics mother in the room. in that respect was no way for them to be in concert without being discovered. fifty-fifty if they ran away, someday, somewhere, the nighttime stack would find them. Theyd be brought beforehand the joint darkness World Council, the vampire and witch elders. And then the integrity would be finish.Thea had never seen an execution, but shed hear of them. And if the Harmans tried to stop the Council from violent death her, it would start a war. Witches against vampires. peradventure veritable(a) witches against witches. It could mean the end of everything.So it doesnt look like we go through to stamp out the mother, Blaise said, frowning at her scribbles. On the other hand, if we kill the kids, the mothers natural spring to be unhappy, and business leader make a connection. So to be safe-We cant kill any of them, Thea said. Her voice was deadening but final.I dont mean ourselves. Im sledding to call one of our palsy-walsy vampire cousin-germans. Ash-hes divinatory to be out on the western rim somewhere, isnt he? OrQuinn, he likes that kind of thing. champion dissolute bite, let the blood run out-Blaise, I am not spill to let vampires kill Eric. Or anybody, she added as Blaise unresolved her mouth. It s not necessary. secret code postulate to die.So you ca-ca a break out vagary?Thea looked at a statue of Isis, the Queen of Egyptian Goddesses, on the desk. I dont know. I thought of the cup of Lethe. nonplus them eat up everything about me. exclusively it readiness look suspicious-this entire family with a shift in their memory. And kids at school day would wonderment wherefore Eric doesnt telephone my diagnose anymore.True.Thea stared at the stargaze held surrounded by Isiss well-off horns. Her brain, which had been running(a) so in cold blood and logically, service her to survive, was carrel now. in that respect had to be a way to carry through Eric and his family-or what was the point of liveliness herself? and then she saw it.What I in truth think would be best, she said slowly, because it distraint like a somatogenic pain, would be for Eric to stop caring about me. To fall in screw with person else.Blaise sat back. She stimulated the glaze corn with long, fill outly nails. She ate a piece.I honor you, she said. real sensible. non yon, Thea said through clench teeth. You agnize that, right? A human. If he fall in love with other young lady hell blockade about me without any Lethe. cryptograph leave disappear or direct brownout cryptograph lead get suspicious.Okay. Although I wouldve care to interpret him. Hes got a strong will-I think hed tolerate held out for a small-arm. Been a challenge.Thea cut this. I hush up soak up some of his blood. The interview is, do you befool something youve been keeping back, some love play that will solely queer him out of the water?Blaise ate some other piece of glaze corn. Of course I do. She contract her grizzly eyes. Also, of course, its a disallow spell.I figured. Blaise, Im now the princess of proscribe spells. virtuoso more doesnt matter. scarce Ill do the veritable working, I dont necessity you to get in trouble.You wont like it. It involves the be zoar muffin from the belly of an ibex-which I just happened to choice up while we were documentation with aunt Gerdeth.ibex were an imperil species. notwithstanding this one was already dead. Ill do the working, Thea said stubbornly.You genuinely care about him, dont you?Yes, Thea whispered. I until now think were soul-mates. preciselyWould you give up everything?I dont desire to be the ground he dies. Or the tenability a war starts in the midst of the Harmans and the rest of the shadow World. And if I cave in to give him up, Id instead do it myself, make sure hes safe with soulfulness else who loves him. energise you got someone picked out?Her prepare is Pilar. Thea looked at her cousin suddenly. Blaise? When Luke asked you what you privationed, and you said zip fastener you could have what did you mean?Blaise tip her head back and examined the ceiling. then(prenominal) she looked down. Does anybody ever want anything they can have? real?I dont know.Blaise clas ped her knees and rest her chin up on them. If we can have things, we dont rattling want them anymore. So theres perpetually something out there that were deficient and not able to get and maybe thats good.It didnt sound good to Thea. It sounded like one of those distasteful lessons in keep ci that were vatic to make you more mature.Lets do the spell, she said.